

The Exarus race is a mysterious race that looks similar to the Kingdom of Mar’s champion war horses but with the addition of wings. The Exarus do not claim any relation to our own breed of horses, although they do have a similar fondness for apples. Little is known of their origin as they guard their history carefully and often keep to themselves.

The Exarus are perfectly proportioned and can speak several languages including Lingua Comma. They are not ridden as we ride horses. Instead they have been sought after as diplomacy and war advisors in the past. The Exarus left the Kingdom of Mar when Amanex was banished by King Yertune during the Cretlin Sea War. Since that time the Exarus have been declared an extinguished race.  See “Amanex, Diplomat of Aeola,” and “Extinguished Races.”

Royal Archives Volume 239, Kingdom of Mar, “Exarus,” by Royal Historian Handel Brushtache

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One Response to Exarus

  1. Ethan Benedict says:

    This has got to be my favorite of the creatures! The illustration is beautiful!

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